Thursday, March 19, 2009

Podcastin' Problems Prevented.

Thankyou to Robin yet again. In one of her blog posts she gave a link to a site that turns my audio into an html and lets me embed it into my blog!It was under the blog title Skyping with Maria Knee. So here you go, my very first podcast. Music at the beginning is by a great old school ska band called The Specials. I hope you enjoy this and maybe find some of it helpful!

Set your goals high enough to inspire and low enough to encourage you.
-Author Unknown


  1. Great job! Very helpful tips.


  2. That site is in case anyone else is looking for that site.

  3. I am having problems 'viewing' your podcast. I can only see the text of your post, the quote, then a big blank space. :(

  4. I am also having trouble podcasting, but after reading this I think I will be able to podcast!
